Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories

A Six Sigma Design Tool

The OPSpecs chart (operating specifications) is an ideal Six Sigma tool. It allows us to easily identify how our laboratory processes are performing -- and gives us immediate guidance on where dramatic improvements can be made and what impact those improvements will have. Whether your're trying to establish performance specifications for imprecision and inaccuracy for a method, or just trying to pick the right control rule for a test, the OPSpecs chart is your best pick. (Preview)

Thinking about Three Sigma

In a previous lesson on Six Sigma, we discussed some possible actions to take when the Sigma-metric for a method is higher than Six. But what about those methods with low Sigma-metrics? What do you do when Sigma analysis delivers bad news?

Six Sigma: Quality Design and Control Processes

Six Sigma tells us that well-designed processes will reduce waste, boost efficiency, and increase profits. But how do we "design well" in the laboratory? How do we convert our customer feedback into useful quality requirements and method specifications. Dr. Westgard provides step-by-step guidelines, graphic tools, and advice. (preview)

Six Sigma Basics: Outcome Measurement of Process Performance

Six Sigma saves you money when you can reduce defects. But how do you find those defects? Dr. Westgard gives you a step-by-step method of analyzing your tests, identifying waste, calculating sigma-metrics, and more. (preview)

Six Sigma Basics: Process improvement, goals and measurements

Just what is Six Sigma? What has it accomplished? Does it apply to healthcare laboratories? Do I really have to learn it? All these questions (and more) are answered in this lesson. This is a gentle introduction to Six Sigma -- in fact, this lesson provides a "statistic-free" description of Six Sigma.