Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories

Global and Local Imperatives for US Healthcare

January 2007

After traveling to five continents in 2006, Dr. Westgard gained a new perspective on US healthcare. As our healthcare system fails, the world is watching.

Westgard Web: Why We Write

December 2006
with Sten Westgard, MS

After ten years of Westgard Web and more than 100 essays written, Dr. Westgard reflects on the reasons for writing for the Laboratory Professional audience on the Internet.

Thank You...

September 2006

There are few moments in life when you can take stock of your life in the presence of friends, colleagues and family.

Rumors of my Retirement are somewhat exaggerated...

September 2006

Yes, I am retiring. But only from one job.

Quality Contradictions: Hopeful Healthcare in a Fearful Society

February 2006

What's the State of Healthcare in the US? Can HSAs, restricted liability rights, P4P, and CPOE save us? An essay that strays outside the laboratory.