Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories

FAQ's about Power Function and Critical-Error Graphs

Frequently-Asked-Questions about Power Function Graphs and Critical-Error Graphs

FAQ's about OPSpecs Charts

Frequently-Asked-Questionsabout OPSpecs charts.
Plus, some questions aabout Coag PT and PTT testing (scroll down past the first section)

Multirules and QC Validator

A discussion of how multirule procedures are implemented in the [now no longer offer] QC Validator program. These answers also apply to the latest version of our QC Design software, EZ Rules 3.

Also included is a discussion of what a "run" is and how to define it for today's modern random access analyzers. Plus patient averages and moving averages. (Scroll down past the first section)

FAQ's on CLIA’88, JCAHO and CAP Requirements

In this article, Dr. Sharon Ehrmeyer addresses frequently-asked-questions about CLIA'88, JCAHO, and CAP. This is an older article. Readers seeking the most up-to-the-minute information on regulations should check our CLIA series

FAQ's about controls and out-of-controls

Frequently-Asked-Questions about control materials, new lots, expiration dates, recording results, etc. Also, some more discussion of the best way to apply and interpret the "Westgard Rules"