Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories

2020: A Terrible Year with Tremendous Accomplishments

2020. A dumpster fire of a year. How did labs fare? Was this the year that broke the lab? Or the year that labs shined more than ever? Or both?

Trying your patience while trying out Patient-Based QC

Patient Based Real Time Quality Control (PBRTQC) is the newest trend in the elite laboratories and academic literature. What is it, and is it really ready for prime time?

Untruth and Consequences

It's October 2020. Time to take a hard look at truth, untruth, and the consequences of pretending there's no difference.

Corriendo una maratón: Por alcanzar la calidad en la crisis de la COVID-19

Back in April 2020, we encouraged labs to treat the pandemic as a marathon, not a sprint. Now more than 6 months later, it's looking more like an ultra-marathon. How does our advice stand up?

This is Not a Test

If you have an instrument without reagents, a device without kits, a PCR method without swabs, a test without controls, an assay without validation, capacity wihout a plan ... This is Not a Test