Tools, Technologies and Training for Healthcare Laboratories

2001: Year of the Odyssey

An updated version of this essay appears on the Nothing but the Truth about Quality book.

This isn't the first nor probably the last article to compare this year to the landmark film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Over 32 years ago, Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke predicted a world of routine space travel, giant computers, and vast possibility. Has our 2001 met these expectations -- in the laboratory? Dr.Westgard muses on what laboratory professionals thought back in 1968 and how things have "changed" since then.

Has Quality been "Enronned"?

An updated version of this essay appears on the Nothing but the Truth about Quality book.

As the Enron scandal unfolded, it was tempting to believe that those terrible practices could never happen in healthcare. Alas, Dr. Westgard has examined the facts of the Enron case and seen the hidden face of our healthcare industry. We have much of Enron in our laboratories, our institutions, our regulators, our control and diagnostics manufacturers, even in our professional standards. Read this essay to see what we can learn -- and unlearn -- from the Enron scandal. (Preview)

Cooking the books: Does it happen in the laboratory?

Enron, Arthur Andersen,Worldcom, the list goes on and on. Corporate scandals have swept the nation. Executives have been cooking the books and playing with the numbers. Are we in the laboratory immune? Or have we been playing with our numbers, too? Dr. Westgard examines some of the current laboratory practices, including guidelines recently published, to see if the numbers add up. (Preview)

A momentous happening - A New Way to do QC!

A new QC technology has been cleared that replaces the use of traditional external quality controls. This happened because a manufacturer submited a claim for this new QC technology and provided the documentation to defend that claim. Read all about it!

2004 JCAHO Patient Safety Goals

An updated version of this essay appears on the Nothing but the Truth about Quality book.

JCAHO just released its goals for patient safety. How we define our goals says a lot about what we're doing - or not doing - right now. See what next year's goals say about current patient safety.